Digital Marketing and Seo coures Free How to Earn Online Money

advance digital marketing video training course free in hindi
If you are a Marketing Employee, I.T person, social media marketer, website or Graphic Designer, you can join this advance course & complement your skills with Digital Marketing.

M 01 : Digital Marketing Fundamentals
M 02 : Website Planning and Structure
M 03 : Facebook Marketing for Business
M 04 : Google Adwords and PPC Advertising
M 05 : YouTube and Video Marketing
M 06 : E-mail Marketing for Business
M 07 : Lead Generation & Marketing Automation
M 08 : eCommerce and Payment Gateway
M 09 : Remarketing Strategies – Advance Level
M 10 : Google Plus for Business
M 11 : LinkedIN and Twitter Marketing
M 12 : Google Analytics and Webmaster Tool
M 13 : Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
M 14 : Affiliate Marketing & Google AdSense
M 15 : Case Studies and Practical Assignments
M 16 : Google Certification Program Training

Digital Marketing Fundamentals
Section 01 : Marketing v/s Sales Section 02 : Marketing Mix and 4 Ps Section 03 : What is Digital Marketing
Section 04 : Inbound vs Outbound Marketing Section 05 : Content Marketing
Section 06 : Understanding Traffic Section 07 : Understanding Leads
Section 08 : Strategic Flow for Marketing Activities

Buying a Domain
Website Language & Technology Core Objective of Website and Flow One Page Website
Strategic Design of Home Page
Strategic Design of Products & Services Page Strategic Design of Pricing Page
Portfolio, Gallery and Contact Us Page Call to Action (Real Engagement Happens)
Designing Other Pages SEO Overview
Google Analytics Tracking Code Website Auditing
Designing Wordpress Website

Profiles and Pages Business Categories Getting Assets Ready Creating Facebook Pages Page Info and Settings
Facebook Page Custom URL Invite Page Likes
Featured Video
Pin Post and Highlights

Search Engine Optimization
Understanding SEO SEO Keyword Planning
Meta Tags and Meta Description Website Content Optimization Back Link Strategies
Internal and External Links Optimizing Site Structure Keywords in Blog and Articles
On Page SEO Off Page SEO Local SEO Mobile SEO
eCommerce SEO
Optimizing with Google Algorithms Using WebMaster Tool
Measuring SEO Effectiveness

Video Flow
Google Pages for YouTube Channel
Verify Channel
Webmaster Tool – Adding Asset Associated Website Linking
Custom Channel URL Channel ART Channel Links Channel Keywords
Branding Watermark
Featured Contents on Channel Channel Main Trailer Uploading Videos
Uploading Defaults
Creator Library Practical Examples
YouTube Marketing Advance***
Channel Navigation Video Thumbnail CTA – Annotation CTA – Extro
CTA – Cards for Mobile
Redirect Traffic to Website Post Upload Enhancements Live Broadcasting Managing Playlists
Managing Comments Managing Messages Monetization with Adsense Paid Youtube Channel Channel Analytics
Real Time Analytics
Video Making for YouTube
How to make videos Camera Angles Setting up Lightings Shooting Techniques Editing Videos Editing Audio Background Music
White Board Animation
Publishing HD Videos
On Hands Training on Video
Editing Software Practical Exam

Since been created in 10 10 2018 - 13:05:13 this video has been visited 10 times. Among the viewers there are 1 people who like this video, and 0 people don't like. This video has been reviewed 0 times. The length of this video is 15 Minute(s) 54 Second(s), and the category of this video is Education

Video titled Digital Marketing and Seo coures Free How to Earn Online Money published by Channel Crazy Girl Mansi with Channel ID UC3dOtIlfWmIWoceSrSir2Yg at 10 10 2018 - 13:05:13

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